Saturday, August 28, 2010

What a day!

So I went to Pagan Pride Day 2010 in North Kansas City, Mo. It was wonderful. I got to listen to Skewd Drumming Tribe, and let me tell you, the energy that I felt while they were playing stirred up many emotions, all good, for me.

My friend, Alfred Willowhawk, talked about Shamanic Journeys and mentioned me towards the end. Although I turned red, it was nice that he felt comfortable with what had happened in the past and working past it. I felt welcomed and loved.

I got to network with many new people, reconnect with some I had not seen in a long time, and got to learn things I had not known before. It was really something special.

I was a little disappointed with the turn-out, I just kinda figured more would be there, seeing as how it is Kansas City, something much larger than Lawrence or Topeka. However, there felt as though many more people were there in spirit.

I am really looking forward to speaking with these people again, some of which invited me to groups and events that I never knew were happening. They asked if I would write articles and that felt really good to start getting my name out, especially since I don't have many articles out yet. Some, even, had heard of me and some had already read my articles. That made me proud, but also a little worried for the fact that I wondered what they thought. :o/ A writer is their own WORST critic!

Anyway, I am hoping that the next few months prove to be MAGICAL!

Brightest Blessings to all!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love, serendipity and soul mates....

There is a difference between love and in love.
Differences between serendipity, destiny and fate.
And Although I am not a person that generally agrees with polygamy, I know in my heart that people can love more than one person at a time. They can be in love with more than one person at a time as well.
I believe in soul mates. I believe you have more than one soul mate- rather many that if you are lucky, you will find just one of them each lifetime.

With that being said, I also believe in love at first sight. I know a lot of people don't feel that way, but myself, I have felt it twice in this life time. Neither men were overly attractive, rather plain- kinda dorky if you will. Both with a little extra cushion. Nothing extraordinary about them from the outer appearance, yet, I couldn't take my eyes of them.

What causes this to happen to us? What chemicals in our heads, soul etc change to make this cause and effect?

This is just something I have been struggling with lately. I would really like to know the answers.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fears, Anxieties, Feelings..........

I have always understood the use of fear. It gives animals and humans the fight or flight instinct leading to survival. That I have. I know when to stand up and fight and when to leave a situation and just as many others, at times, make the wrong decision. Though for the most part, I can tell you I make the almost right decision. What do I mean by mostly or almost right? Well, if I had more time in those situations, perhaps I would have done exactly what I had done, but perhaps just with a twist, an addition etc. I have no problems with healthy fears.

My problems are with anxieties. I have irrational fears and anxieties that really are not healthy any more, and I recognize, understand and accept this. For instance, I have an anxiety about deer. On average, a person in their lifetime will hit 1.5 deer, or hitting one and clipping one. Myself, I have hit 5 deer in my short- 30 years on this Earth, and mere 12 years of driving. Yes, 5!!! Crazy I know. So with a recent experience with buying a new car and hitting a deer 2 days later, my irrational fear has led me to barely being able to drive at night without being full of anxieties. Even with performing protections spells, praying and communicating with Cernunnos asking him to keep his deer safe and keep them off the roads I am driving, even with taking a hot relaxing bath, visualizations and meditations and positive thinking, I am riddled with anxiety and barely able to drive.

I also have an anxiety of falling. It doesn't have to be somewhere high either. A simple balcony makes me nervous. I didn't use to be this way. I don't know where this one came from. It is an unfounded fear. I have never fallen off a balcony or any other place. But, at least in my dreams, the balcony is old or somewhat broken, so I know what the symbolism is there.

Losing my family- especially my kids, my job, my home, not having enough to eat, spiders, snakes, the ocean/sea, jellyfish, sharks, sea urchins, wasps, bee's, hornets...... the list goes on. These are all anxieties that prevent me one way or another from fully living.

Still, knowing many and most of these things are completely unfounded anxieties, even knowing that may of which I cannot encounter such as the ocean or ocean life while living in Kansas... the anxiety still lurks. Thus, cluing me in to the need to do something about it.

Magically, I would tell someone to communicate with deity. To seek out my anxieties and face them first in meditations, then a guided atmosphere and eventually on my own. I would tell them to study their fear, talk to it, embrace it. And by doing this you will learn to appreciate it and eventually be okay with it. At some point the fear or anxiety will dissipate once it comes full circle.

So with this knowledge and with the use of my OWN advice, I will be attempting to clear my mind of this clutter, this irrationality. I have decided to start with some tea's and herbal bath treatments that I suggest to others for anxiety. Here are some recipes:

Soothing tea:

1 part vanilla bean
4 parts peppermint leaf
1 part comfrey.

If you get your vanilla bean fresh, grind up and allow to dry before using. Peppermint is wonderful for de-stressing, so I use it in the bath as well...

1 cup epsom salt
drops of green food coloring (green is the color for healing and health)
6 drops of peppermint or spearmint oil.

In a glass bowl (do not use plastic- the oil can cause it to melt, and do not use wood due to its porous nature it would forever smell of the oil you used.) Mix the salt and the oil and the food coloring until it is uniform and well blended.
Pour into a hot bath, sit and relax. Can't get any simpler than that!

Lastly, take vitamins, eat right and exercise. Vitamins help your body be in the best shape possible. Eating the right foods- in the right amounts help the body to not need or want. Grains, healthy fats, fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein and calcium rich foods are exactly what your body craves. Exercise at least for 20 minutes daily- up to an hour if you can. This reduces stress chemicals in the body.

Along with the meditations, communications, and facing your fears, this should be the best NATURAL treatment available.
So with saying this, I will be documenting my travels with this.

Brightest Blessings!